Saturday, June 25, 2016

Our noon book club just finished reading "Beneath a Marble Sky" by John Shors, a historical novel about the Taj Mahal, told from the perspective of the oldest daughter of the woman it was built to memorialize.   This story was action packed, and I felt like I learned lots about the building and the history of the time.  Religious fervor was used to rally troops, something still seen today, yet just and fair rulers were much loved.   Though not in official capacities, women had ways of influencing leaders.

Our next book to be discussed on the 4th Thursday of July(28th) is "To Dance with the White Dog" by Terry Kay.    He is called a master story teller.  We would love to have you join in on our conversation.  You can do it with comments here, or on facebook, by email (, or by joining us at the library on the 28th.
To Dance with the White Dog is available at the library for you to check out.  We can also get large print copies if that works better for you. 

Summer programming included beach ball play in the back yard,

 spider zoo from ISU

 Juggling Hansons,
and a Magician.