Friday, October 30, 2009

Meeting room pictures

center of room looking East. This room is 48 feet by 25 feet.

long tables looking to SE, where refrig and stove are. 3 chairs on each side of the tables with a chair on each end.

Long Tables to NW

Empty rooom looking to the East.

no chairs or tables looking towards east windows

view of chairs with refrigerator and stove

chairs only to west

Chairs only to east

Friday, October 9, 2009


I had a laugh to see this yesterday.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I received some more pictures

Cooks, Nola, Jeff and Sarah

Here are pictures of the program or ceremony we had on the first day we opened.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Ribbon has been cut and we are back in the swing of things

Sept. 29 we had a ceremony at 10 a.m. with 130 + attending and we gave tours to students and anyone who wanted to look around. We had a great time. There are a few things to work out, still, like putting signs up so people can find things on their own, if they want to, and labeling keys and putting away all the books that people are bringing back. People checked out more than usual before we closed for moving, and it is keeping us very busy as they have been read and returned and more are needed. We like busy and hope it stays this way.