Monday, December 5, 2016

Almost Christmas 2016

So much has been going on, I haven't had time to talk about it.   Deb "retired" and Missy Hansen joined our staff.   Soon Nancy will "retire".   

Lots has been going on:   As adults were voting for a President, a voting booth was set up at the library for your favorite book!

Thank you First Citizen's National Bank for books donated

A game for teens.

Missy has scavenger hunts around the library.   What started it was pokemon. Then, At Thanksgiving, there were 23 turkeys hidden all about the library. Sorry no pictures of the pumpkin painting party.   She has been having story time for little tykes.   And she visits Kids Korner with books.
We know Christmas is coming when the Spirit of Giving Tree is set up. 
This tree gives people an opportunity to share with needy families.   Families are interviewed to learn their needs and community members can choose the age of child for whom they want to buy things.

Linda made a great book tree:
and we had fun reading and playing Polar Express:

Hope to have Santa Pics in next blog.

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